«Πέρασα 12 μήνες ταξιδεύοντας σε 12 χώρες έχοντας μαζί μου μόνο ένα σακίδιο»

Η Ciara περιγράφει την απίστευτη ζωή ενός ταξιδευτή
«Πέρασα 12 μήνες ταξιδεύοντας σε 12 χώρες έχοντας μαζί μου μόνο ένα σακίδιο»


"Έζησα αγκαλιά με ένα σακίδιο και ταξίδεψα μόνη κάνοντας το γύρο του κόσμου για ένα ολόκληρο χρόνο. Ξόδεψα τις μέρες μου σε μέρη της Λατινικής Αμερικής, της Ευρώπης και ακόμη και της Αφρικής. Ήταν η πιο συναρπαστική και δυναμική εμπειρία της ζωής μου, και πάντα θα τη θυμάμαι!"

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Eating alone often elicits the same bewildered response as traveling solo. “Isn’t it lonely? boring? EMBARRASSING?” “Eating…alone? That’s…erm….interesting.” “Just one?” “I could NEVER!!!!” “Are your friends busy? They must be busy.” Right. Because who in their right mind would EVER choose to eat alone? After all, eating is a shared experience…no, a shared ritual in most corners of the world. Meals were made to be enjoyed amongst family, conversations, and laughter. So what sense would it make to eat alone, especially in public? Admittedly, I’ve lost count of how many restaurants I’ve dined in alone. I’ve sat on romantic balconies in the highlands of Guatemala and French brasseries in central Paris…alone. Just me. Table for one. Despite the many meals I’ve enjoyed alone, I still get a twinge of anxiety every time I enter a crowded restaurant one deep. A string of fearful thoughts flood through my mind. “I SWEAR I HAVE FRIENDS!” “Here come the stares.” “Should I just ,ummm…walk back outside?” “Maybe room service will be better, easier, less awkward.” But those fears quickly subside, because I’ll be damned if I miss out on a good meal because of what other people think of me. I actually like eating alone, traveling alone, and simply being alone. The truth is that there’s nothing weird about it. While it may be different than eating with others, it’s certainly not worse. In many ways, it can be better. So, I’ve learned to look forward to eating alone. It’s a form of self-care and a gift to myself. It’s my time to unwind and reflect. It’s an opportunity to savor every bite of my food without distraction. It’s truly an art. . . .This is the intro to my latest blog post about mastering the art of eating alone! Visit www.heyciara.com or click the link in my bio to read it. (PS - i was not eating alone in this specific picture) Do you take yourself out to eat? If not, would you? What fears do you have about eating alone?? . . Also, All the food in this pic is at @kyndcommunity was Vegan! Crazy right? Bali was FULL of vegan cafes! It was insane. They also have a sister cafe with vegan Balinese where all profits go to local charities!

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Ciara (@hey_ciara) στις

"Τίποτα όμως δεν είναι όπως το φαντάζεσαι. Δεν χαλαρώνεις στην παραλία. Κουβαλάς μια τεράστια τσάντα στην πλάτη σου, πηγαίνοντας από τον έναν προορισμό στον άλλο, κοιμάσαι σε κουκέτες και είσαι διαρκώς στην τσίτα, μιας και δεν γνωρίζεις τι θα σου συμβεί τις επόμενες ώρες"

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The streets of Hanoi, Vietnam were full of life. Simply walking outside was a thrill. “Will I get hit by a motorbike today? Who knows?”. You have no choice but to be aware of your surroundings in a place like this. Your senses are quickly awakened as soon as you get into the city. I met an American guy who said that he couldn’t even walk down the block without panicking during his first few days in Hanoi because it was such a culture shock. (it was his first trip out of the country). I can see why. When I walk down the street of my neighborhood in Houston, It is completely silent. Hell, I lived an apartment for nearly 2 years and I never saw the people who lived next door to me. When you compare this to a city like Vietnam, you can feel like you’re in a different world. Motorbikes are constantly on the brink of crashing into each other, buildings are practically piled on top of each other, and silence only exists into the wee hours of the night. All you need to do here is sit and observe. Grab a bowl of Pho, sit on a tiny blue stool outside, and watch as life passes right in front of your eyes. You never know what you’ll see.

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Ciara (@hey_ciara) στις

"Το καλό; Mαθαίνεις να προσαρμόζεσαι και να μεγαλώνεις με κάθε πρόκληση. Εδώ είναι αυτό που έμαθα μετά από ένα χρόνο backpacking μέσω 12 διαφορετικών χωρών"

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Random, silly mems from Bangkok: The City everyone told me to skip. 1. I never expected to get food poisoning from a water gun in Bangkok, but when hundreds of people are squirting you in the face with water during the Thai New Year(Songkran Festival) it’s not far-fetched. . 2. When you’ve been drinking, it’s easy to confuse food poisoning with a really bad hangover...until you realize it’s lasted for 3 days. 3. Even in Bangkok, you get what you pay for. Pay $6 for a pedicure, expect a “struggle pedicure” LOL don’t wanna talk about it. . 4. A real Thai massage isn’t necessarily supposed to feel relaxing in the traditional sense of the word. In fact, you’ll probably leave feeling like you just got jumped but you’ll eventually reap the benefits (at least that’s what they tell you) . 5. If you get food poisoning in Bangkok, Gatorade, activated charcoal, and rice could potentially save your butt; literally. . 6. If you EVER go to Bangkok, make a stop at Mont Nom Sod. I passed by this place because it was packed & was dumbfounded to realize people were lining up for literal slices of bread with sugar. Let me tell y’all, don’t let the simplicity of this dessert fool you. THIS IS THE BEST BREAD EVER. I ordered to go, took a bite as i was walking out of the store, and literally made a 180 turn to reenter for a second order before the door could close behind me. As you can tell, this has been one of my favorite things about Thailand - bread with caramelized milk & sugar. Revolutionary. . 7. The rooftop bars are LEGIT! Sure, we paid an outrageous $20 for a mediocre drink(what is this, NY?) but honestly the view & swankiness of the rooftop was worth it. . 8. Best thing about cities is that you usually have to search for the magic. I visited a coffee shop with another solo traveler & we happened to discover @pimwa singing live. She’s basically Nora Jones Thai lil sis & her voice gave me chills. . 9. The food. Go to Rot Fai/Ratchada night market & never leave. Skip Bangkok, they said. It’ll be hot, dirty, & crowded, they said. Glad I didn’t listen. What an adventure. PS- Do y’all like to hear these stories? Or one-liner captions?

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Ciara (@hey_ciara) στις

"Θα θυσιάζετε την άνεση για χάρη του ταξιδιού. Δεν είναι κάτι τρομερό για εκείνους που ψάχνουν πραγματικά αυτή την εμπειρία και αγκαλιάζουν αυτό που λένε "το wanderlust" τους, αλλά θα είμαι η πρώτη που θα παραδεχτώ ότι δεν είναι πάντα εύκολο. Παρά τα εμπόδια, μαθαίνετε τόσο πολύ για τον κόσμο και τον εαυτό σας στην πορεία. Αυτός ο τρόπος ταξιδιού σίγουρα θα αλλάξει τον τρόπο που θα ζήσετε τη ζωή σας!"

"Έτσι, μίλησα με τους ξένους που κανονικά θα παρέκαμπτα, έφαγα τρόφιμα που δεν μπορούσα καν να προφέρω και έχω κοιμηθεί σε πολλά περισσότερες κουκέτες από όσες μπορώ να υπολογίσω. Όλα αυτά οδηγούν στις πιο εξαιρετικές εμπειρίες!"

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"It seemed impossible to me to do anything like that in Cuba. But all dreams get realised over time.” - Jose Fuster, a Cuban Artist & Sculptor who left Spain inspired(by Gaudi) to create an artists playground of his own. He’s shaped his entire home & and over 80 of his neighbor’s homes with colorful mosaic tiles. Fuster created a sort of art project out of his surroundings - windows, benches, pools, fences, etc. and it was a bit trippy to see! Best part about this place? It’s free to visit! What’s the best outdoor art gallery/exhibit you’ve ever seen? Is art something that interests you when you travel?

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Ciara (@hey_ciara) στις

"Είναι σημαντικό να επιλέξετε σοφά και να υιοθετήσετε μια μινιμαλιστική νοοτροπία. Δεν άλλαξα το στυλ μου για να πάω σε αυτό το ταξίδι, γιατί έπρεπε να αισθάνομαι άνετα σε ό, τι φορούσα. Ήμουν εξοπλισμένη με το αγαπημένο μου τζιν της Levis, σανδάλια Birkenstock, κολάν Nike και ωραία αθλητικά!"

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I MADE A MISTAKE Years ago, I rode elephants while I was studying abroad in South Africa. This was actually something that was on my bucket list and I was excited to discover that it was on our Itinerary. At the time, I didn’t know how much these animals suffered for the sake of tourism. Now, I know that this is something that tourists should always avoid doing. This time around, we visited an elephant sanctuary that didn’t permit riding. We were able to interact with the animals in a more ethical way, which was really special. Im not a perfect traveler and I’ll never claim to be. I also never want to portray that. In fact, I think travel is all about learning & unlearning. I’ve missed flights, overpacked, lost money/electronics, etc. I’ve made plenty of travel “mistakes” and that’s okay, because I think that’s where the growth happens. . . What’s your biggest travel mistake? OR what travel mistake do you fear you’ll make? . . PS, Im currently in Cambodia but I honestly haven’t taken a photo that I’ve been satisfied with in weeks. It’s all good bc I’m having a blast in real life, but this is why my posts have been lacking. Quality > Quantity. No worries though bc that ends today haha. You’ll probably be tired of me soon 😂 . . . #thailand #solofemaletravel #elephantsanctuary

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Ciara (@hey_ciara) στις

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